
Phlebectomy is particularly effective in removing bulging veins close to the skin’s surface. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic, is well tolerated, and ensures the vein has been removed. It has a quick recovery time, with most patients able to return to normal activities within a few days.

Studies have shown that when used in combination with other techniques it reduces the need for multiple follow-up injections, reducing staining, improving quality of life and reducing symptoms much quicker.

Book your free vein assessment today
Step one of a Phlebectomy procedure for removing varicose veins Step two of a Phlebectomy procedure for removing varicose veins Step three of a Phlebectomy procedure for removing varicose veins Step four of a Phlebectomy procedure for removing varicose veins

Before and after

A patient of Specialist Vein Care prior to treatment with bulging, enlarged veins


A patient of Specialist Vein Care after treatment showing the fully healed and healthy leg


This patient received treatment for a varicose vein on his right leg. Varicose veins are bulging, enlarged veins. Any vein that is close to the skin's surface, called superficial, can become varicosed, and most commonly appears on legs. A combination of radiofrequency ablation and phlebectomies were used to successfully treat the varicose vein. After 8 weeks, the patient’s leg was fully healed and feeling great. No Further treatment was required.

A patient with bulging, enlarged varicose veins


A patient half way with treatment showing a healing leg
A patient  after treatment showing a fully healed leg


This patient received treatment for varicose veins on his left leg significantly enlarged superficial veins. A combination of radiofrequency ablation and phlebectomies were used to successfully treat the varicose vein. After 2 weeks there was a marked visual improvement, the patient’s leg was fully healed and feeling great. No further treatment was required.

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